While working, some background noise and a light storyline can help keep your head down on mundane activities. Some people like listening to music. Some people like listening to podcasts. Me? I like watching a …

Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
While working, some background noise and a light storyline can help keep your head down on mundane activities. Some people like listening to music. Some people like listening to podcasts. Me? I like watching a …
I have taken the time to appreciate movies of all time throughout this blog, but I have not taken the time to appreciate the art of these movies. In this case these are the most …
Very few adults I know are big readers. Once they had their last day of school, they felt as though they were done reading any book, let alone fiction books. What most people do not …
When it is a lazy Saturday, there is nothing to do, and looking for movies to watch when bored, I turn to a tried a true movie. These are movies that do not take much …
Listening to podcasts are great for running errands, cleaning the house, going for a walk, getting ready in the morning. But the best time to listen to podcasts is while at work. For those looking …
I read for a multitude of reasons. One of the main reasons I read books to learn. But I never suspected that I would learn while reading fiction. I have found that one of my …
I have been plugging through the books of the moment and have found the best of the most recently released. I am confident that other people who are similar to my demographic, specifically a 30 …
A new year means a new start and a new start means there are a number of books to look forward to in 2022. I have scrubbed through other lists from Goodreads, Time, Penguin Random …
Award shows, including the Golden Globes, are generally for the people in the industry and bored housewives. That being said, considering all the television I have been watching, I got excited for the upcoming Golden …
To close the year, I am bringing a list of my favorite of the latest books to read from 2021. It is near the end of December and I have read over seventy books so …