Emily Nussbaum’s “I Like to Watch”: A Thought-Provoking Look at the Evolution of Television and Its Cultural Impact

Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Emily Nussbaum’s “I Like to Watch”: A Thought-Provoking Look at the Evolution of Television and Its Cultural Impact
Intuitive Eating is for the people who have been on diets their whole life. They binge eat when they know they will need to cut food out and then they starve themselves until they either …
Obsessing over food is now a great American pastime. Restaurant dishes, fast food, and packaged food all are loaded with fat, sugar, and salt. Just the way we like it. There is now an anti …
The Omnivore’s Dilemma is a breakdown of where our food comes from. I picked this book up with the hopes it would tell me what am I supposed to eat. But instead, I left the …
I am currently in desperate need to design and build a life that is more conducive to the way I want to live and so I picked up Designing Your Life. As discussed in the …
A sudden and huge change in my life has recently caused me to shift my reading list from fiction to “HOW THE F*&# DO I NOW MAKE MONEY?” Basically, I quit my 9 to 5 …