Gone To Soldiers by Marge Piercy is another historical fiction book about World War II. I have read plenty of these World War II historical fiction books in my day, enough to have even picked …

Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Gone To Soldiers by Marge Piercy is another historical fiction book about World War II. I have read plenty of these World War II historical fiction books in my day, enough to have even picked …
East of Eden is a classic book exploring the differences of good and evil by the talented, John Steinbeck. The story keeps referring to the biblical story of Cain and Abel, where one represents good …
On The Road by Jack Kerouac is one of the most iconic book from the 1950s; however, as a millennial, the story just seemed odd to me. Who gets in a car and just drives? …
As someone who enjoys books of all types of genres, classic books, including those of wealthy Russians in the 1800s, are always on my list. I do have some hesitancies though as they tend to …
When The Queen’s Gambit became Netflix’s number one show about the greatest chess player female of her age, not only did it make it to my “To Watch” list but also made it to my …
The book Lolita has come across my lap about five million times; however, I have been very hesitant to read this daring story. When I read My Dark Vanessa, where Lolita was referenced again and …
It is no secret that I am a big fan of thrillers and murder mystery stories. So, of course I had to pick up a book from the queen herself and the quintessential murder mystery …
Tales of the City acts as a discrete guide to the city I love. It is a book about the family you make and the star of the show is the heart of the city …
I was a kid in the 90’s which means of course, I have seen Clueless. Let me rephrase. Seen is not the right word. Obsessively watch it over and over again is more like it. …
If you decide to make the Les Miserables journey, and this is a commitment, do yourself a favor and get the abridged version! I know more about the Battle of Waterloo, how the Paris sewer …