Chick Flick: Television Series Television

Bridgerton: The Evolving Love Stories of London High Society

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Have you heard? Bridgerton is the biggest Netflix drama of the year. It is a must watch for all women and gay men of the world. It is Pride And Prejudice (or Emma) meets Gossip Girl meets Fifty Shades of Grey. It takes place in the early 1800’s and has more steamy sex with beautiful people than Pride And Prejudice should have but doesn’t.

Premise of Bridgerton

It is the season for London’s high society bachelors to court the bachelorettes they have met at grand balls and other high society events hosted by the elite and royalty. And for every single who participates in the event, there is marriage and babies on the line. Courting the right person is of great importance to secure a grand future.

The story is being told by Mrs. Whistledown, a writer who knows everyone’s secrets and is not afraid to publish them for all of London to read. The only thing is that no one knows who Mrs. Whistledown is. And finding out who Mrs. Whistledown is is a great plotline of the story.

The two of the most prominent story lines, not to be confused with importance, is the story of Daphne and the Duke, Simon. Daphne is the oldest of the eight Bridgerton siblings. She starts to “see” Simon as neither Daphne nor Simon are interested in finding anyone to marry. That being said, they end up following in a love that ends in marriage.

Final Thoughts

Although I knew Bridgerton came from a book, what I didn’t realize is that there are eight books in the series, one of each of the Bridgerton siblings. Since the first book focused on the story of Daphne, it is quite expected that each season will focus on the next child in the Bridgerton family. And I am looking forward to following these stories in the future.

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As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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