Documentary Movies

The Social Delima: Breaking Humanity

The Social Dilemma – Breaking Humanity

The Social Delima came across my lap after a number of people came to me asking if I had seen it. And they asked if I knew what social media was doing in breaking humanity. Not surprisingly, this came from people who I know who spend a lot of time on social media. Being a millennial, who works in the San Francisco Bay Area, in technology, I can’t say The Social Delima shocked me. Although I was not aware of the details, that the Social Delima exposed, I knew a lot of shady stuff was going on.

The Addictive Nature of Social Media

The Social Dilemma was not the first time I heard that social media was designed to be addictive, but The Social Dilemma was the first time it had been explained to me how they make it addictive.

This movie follows a family through their “normal” lives with social media. At one point, the family decides to lock all their phones into a locked plastic jar. No one in the family thinks it will be that tough. But after a few hours, Facebook works on breaking humanity. The jar is violently broken into by the son and the phones are released to release the addictive need to check Facebook to see why an ex girlfriend was interacting with his page.

My Final Thoughts

This documentary has some really good points. I don’t think that social media is good for humanity, in fact I would agree that it is breaking humanity; however, I also think there is much more to the story than what is being portrayed here. Just like trashy television, it might not be the best thing for humanity but it does have a place in our society.

There are small businesses that are thriving because of social media. Some (rare) people have made a career of it. I found my best friend from elementary school on there after not speaking for over a decade. Although I’m not a fan of social media, there are some aspects that are actually positive.

Watch on Netflix


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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