Very few adults I know are big readers. Once they had their last day of school, they felt as though they were done reading any book, let alone fiction books. What most people do not realize is that there are plenty of benefits of reading fiction. This is not a benefit like the “proven benefits of apple cider vinegar” that could still be proven. Here are eight proven benefits of reading fiction.
Understanding Other Cultures – Globally
Using fiction to visit other countries is a cheap way to travel. The Henna Artist allowed me to travel to India, Breasts and Eggs allowed me to travel to Japan, and Crazy Rich Asians to the wealthy side of Singapore. With all the books available, travel to just about any city in any country is possible. Since writers typically write what they know, the depictions of these places are typically quite accurate.
Understanding Other Cultures – Closer To Home
Visiting other countries are not the only way to explore other cultures. The Firekeepers Daughter helped to explain Native American culture. Americanah not only explained how immigrant Africans live in the United States, but how they may differ from other black people found here. Tales of the City explains gay culture in San Francisco in the 1970s. Books not only allow a transfer of place but also specific people in a specific place.
Understanding Historical Events
Historical fiction is one of my favorite types of fiction. The best part about historical fiction is that it is based on reality and history. From The Rose Code, I learned about enigma and bomber machines the United Kingdom used to decode German messages during World War II. And from The Island of Sea Women, I learned about the women who dove for various ocean critters off the coast of an island in South Korea how how the wars affected them and this island.
Escape From Reality
Recently, with the stresses of the real world, an escape can be just what the doctor ordered. But it is not always so easy to escape and relax as the necessities of the world may get in the way, but fiction give the opportunity to. Whether it is reading a physical book or reader or listening to the story through an audiobook while walking or doing chores, fiction will take you to somewhere else to escape from Reality. Fiction also has the extra benefit of removing the screen time guilt feel that Netflix brings.
Sharpen Creativity Skills
When you are no longer a child, creativity diminishes and creativity is more difficult to conger up. Reading helps to spark creativity with those “ah ha” moment. Whether the idea is to make physical art or just come up with creative ideas to solve a work problem, fiction books can help unlock the creativity within you.
Become A Better Writer
My college degree is from an art school and during our required English class, they impressed upon us how important writing is and frequent we may need to do it. Every time I write anything now, I think of how true that was. Whether it is an email to a customer, a description of a product, or even a text message, I like to put my best foot forward when I write and reading has helped me do that over the years by way of structuring sentences and increasing my vocabulary.
Expanded Vocabulary
As an adult, we are not done learning new words. There will always be someone somewhere using “big” words. That’s okay. That’s fine because we read and we know the benefits of reading fiction. When someone reads, they are constantly exposing themselves to new vocabulary whether they are aware or not. After enough exposure to a word a person is able to listen to others use the word and articulate using that word much better than those who do not know the benefits of reading fiction.
Improved Spelling
No one is a worse speller than myself, but I have improved over time thanks to trying hard and reading what I can. From reading the same words again and again, I am now able to identify when a word looks wrong. From there I can usually work out how it should be spelled and from this, I have become a much better speller.
Final Words About The Benefits of Reading Fiction
There is no other enjoyable way of self improvement then to read fiction stories. There are a number of benefits that could help with everyday tasks and at the very least, it can act as an escape from reality. There are not many downfalls to reading fiction and it does not matter how slow you read. First thing is first, pick up a book and read the first page. Once done with that go on to the next. Repeat until the last page. Now pick up a book and start!