Chick Flick: Television Series Television

Avocado Toast: Odd That It Is Not Set In California

Avocado Toast the series

Being a girl from California, when I saw the show Avocado Toast, it seemed like a simple show about two girls and their crazy life in their 30s in California. I was right, except for the California part. In fact, it does not even take place on the West Coast or in the United States. It takes place in Toronto, Canada, which is nothing like California. However, I love a good trashy television show, so I kept watching it.

Avocado Toast Premise

Two best friends are brought together for the first time in years and are now living together in Toronto, Canada. They both have their mess ups and they both have their secrets. As the story unwinds, it comes to seem they are both fighting for who has the worse hand in life dealt to them.

Elle works at an advertising firm that her mother runs. It comes out her mother has been having an affair with a much younger man and is now divorcing her husband and Elle’s step father, the only father Elle has known. This has thrown Elle into a world of family issues.

Molly is a teacher who has come back from teaching middle school in the United Kingdom. While in the United Kingdom, she fell in love with a women for the first time and is struggling with her sexuality. In her struggles she decides to teach her class about human sexuality and is suspended from school after a few days at the new school for going on a rant about the struggles she is going through.

This Show Is Not An Avocado Toast Recipe

As a Californian (and even if I was not from California), I love Avocado Toast. So, Avocado Toast cannot be brought up without talking about how it is made. If you have made it this far into this post, you are probably not here for a recipe, but it is easy. Take some toast and put avocado on it, perhaps add some other fresh ingredients (tomatoes, baby greens, green onion) and/ or salt and pepper. Like I said, it is easy and much easier than the girl’s in the Avocado toast show.

Final Thoughts

I watched all episodes of Avocado Toast in a day. It served its purpose, to entertain me and act as background noise for doing nothing on a day off. Will I go around talking about how amazing it was? No. Did I enjoy every minute of it? Yes. Would I watch a new season if and when it comes out? If I remember to do so.

Also, I am still not sure why this show is called Avocado Toast!

Watch Avocado Toast


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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