
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

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As I mentioned in my top entertainment podcast post, Armchair Expert is by far my favorite podcast, and considering I subscribe to over 50, that is saying a lot. I just love Dax Shepard and his dumb little arm chair theories (and he has lots of them). He is thoughtful and isn’t afraid to ask difficult and borderline offensive questions while still be a likable person. But who really steals the show is his co host, Monica Padman. What a delight! She is not famous. She is not rich. But she is best friends with Hollywood’s biggest couple right now. She is just an everyday girl living the dream.

Every episode of Armchair Expert includes a guest. Because Dax is a celebrity they are able to attract some pretty large names. BUT they also have a lot of scholars and doctors and actual experts. I am a curious person and I love learning. Dax and Monica are the exact same way. They pick these people’s brains about cool and fascinating things that I would wonder too and ask the questions I’m not wondering about but wish I thought of.

They even had a little spin off show which I really enjoyed, where Monica and their gay friend, Jess, put themselves out there by discussing their love lives. Neither of them have a boyfriend but would like one; however, the way they treat love and dating does not lend it’s way to bringing either of them love. Monica doesn’t date or express any interest in anyone, where Jess goes on tons of dates, that in the end, just end up as hook ups. Each episode included an expert who talked about each of their current situation and, at the end of the show, gave them a challenge. The challenges ranged from giving a phone number to someone they didn’t know to taking an oath of celibacy for 90 days. Honestly this bonus show deserves it’s own posting.

Listen to Arm Chair Expert


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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