The Friend Zone is full of tension and is another steamy read, just like The Bride Test. I knew getting into this book it would be full of tension and a lot of physical activity, but I also expected the physical activity to be implied, not laid out in detail. The rawness of this book and some of the other Chick Lit I have recently read, brings me to believe that Chick Lit is changing to be sexy. I’m expecting to read another steamy read again and again in the future.
The Premise
Kristin and Josh meet randomly during a small fender bender between the two of them. Little did they know at the time, but they are both best friends with a couple who is soon to be married. As the wedding gets closer, they start to notice an attraction to one another that can not been refuted. They develop a friendship that is strong and would make for a good relationship, if it wasn’t for their fear for getting too close and developing something that neither of them can deliver on.
Although they push each other away for their own reasons, it would not be another steamy read if there was not some sex thrown in there. Although they remain friends, there is another steamy read midway through the story. Then, of course, if finally ends with them sorting out their differences and realizing their attraction is not so different from the other.
Final Thoughts
This book is not a unique story. It is not much different from many of the Chick Lit books I read and the added sex aspect is becoming even more commonplace than it had pre 50 Shades Of Grey. This book is just one of many like it, but if that is your jam, this book fits perfectly in.