Books Chick Lit

Majesty: The Second Book In a Series I Hate But Love

Majesty (American Royals, #2) by Katharine McGee: The second book in a series I hate but love

I had a hard time with the first book in this series, American Royals. It started as a series I hate but love it took some time, but later love came. Because I learned to love American Royals, I came into Majesty knowing what to expect and therefore knowing I am capable of loving it too. And knowing what to expect is the reason why I was able to sit back, relax, and take in all the cheesy love stories that this book had to offer.

Before There Was Majesty

Being the second book in the series, it’s no surprise that Majesty picks up where American Royals left off. Beatrice, the oldest daughter of the royal family, is now queen and is set to marry Teddy. Beatrice has a romantic interest in her guard but, now as queen, no one would allow that to happen. Beatrice’s younger sister, Sam, is in love with Teddy who is in love with Sam back, which makes the marriage even more ridiculous.

Then comes in Sam’s twin brother, Jeff. Who broke up with his commoner girlfriend, Nina, at the end of American Royals. Now this is where it really gets tangled. Because Nina is Sam’s best friend. And Jeff’s ex girlfriend, Daphne, who is sleeping with Jeff’s best friend, Ethan, is trying to get Jeff back. But then Daphne has a crooked story about drugging her best friend who saw Daphne sleeping with Ethan when she was with Jeff. And this secret compromises her chances of being a princess.

Now, repeat all this back to me so I know you understand it.

The Premise of Majesty

Majesty picks up where American Royals left off, almost to the minute and the wedding is being planned. Suddenly all the love interests are shuffled and Beatrice is thrown into the monarchy.

Instead of Connor, Beatrice is now looking to spend and enjoy her life with Teddy. Instead of Teddy, Sam is interested in the Duke of Orange, aka California, Marshal. Instead of Jeff, Nina is into his best friend Ethan. And instead of Jeff, Daphne is falling for, oh wait, no, she is still trying to make her way into being a princess by going after Jeff. This book is not much different than the first. Again, it’s the same tone and same love stories but just shuffled around. It’s the same type a book to conclude it’s a series I hate but love deep down.

One Thing Majesty Has That American Royals Didn’t

The main thing that drove me nuts about American Royals is the lack of addressing the situation of the book, a huge change in the government with a monarchy rather than a presidency. There is so much an author can do with this concept; however, the first book hardly addressed this. It’s used as a way to elevate the character’s status rather than use as a prop.

Majesty on the other hand, because Beatrice is now on the throne, as one of the main characters, her involvement in government is touched upon. It could still be greater but I appreciate the attempt. There is an entire chapter where she was suppose to be invited to congress, but there were some mix ups and by law something else happened. Again, I applaud the attempt.

Final Thoughts On A Series I Hate But Love

The entire series is enjoyable when taken as a love story and not a “what if the US had a monarchy” exploration. The second book is similar to the first, and that is okay. I like this book. It’s fine. There are certain friends I would recommend it to. And friends I would not even put it out there. But for me, it is a series I hate but love.

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As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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