Books Lists

A Case for Reading More Genres of Literature

Reading more genres of a diverse range of books is important to help us grow as readers. It also helps us see the world from different perspectives and experience different types of lives.

Some genres, like romance or mystery, are more popular than others. But regardless of what you like to read, by reading all genres you can become a better reader and understand the world better. Here is my argument on why each of the following popular genres are important.

A Case for Reading More Genres of Literature
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Fantasy and Science Fiction

Many adults who grow up lose the creativity they had when they were children. With fantasy and science fiction literature, some of that creativity can be sparked again and help arise new ideas you would not have otherwise had.

My favorite fantasy books:


If you have any type of feelings for any type of person other than yourself (and in some cases, you could count yourself) romance novels are a great way to spark ideas. Romance is the top selling book genre and if you are not reading it, a someone special might be. And might be getting ideas about their own romance. Don’t be left behind.

My favorite romance books:

Mystery and Thriller

The “who’s done it” or “what’s going to happen” while reading mystery and thriller books keeps me on my toes. My mind wanders outside of the book and keeps me looking for clues. Doing this type of mental exercise can keep the mind sharp.

My favorite mystery and thriller books:

Historical Fiction

This is my favorite way to learn about a place and time. Historical fiction may not always be accurate to what really happened, but I find that it sparks interest to learn more about the real story.

My favorite historical fiction books:


Just about anyone who has reached any level of fame has written a memoir. And it is not necessary to read every single one of them. But through memoirs you can learn from other people’s life experiences. Through memoirs you can learn everything from what it’s like to be president to what it’s like to be a Playboy bunny.

My favorite memoirs:


I’d like to put a big asterisk on this one. On the rare occasion I pick up one of these suckers, I’m usually rolling my eyes half way through. BUT many people find them helpful and for that reason I’m including self help books. Yes, even if you think you have all your sh*t together, a self help book now and again will either give you new ideas or will reinforce what you already know.

My favorite self help books:


Historical books without the “fiction” part can be a bit dull. But they do pair nicely with their fiction counterpart. Find a topic that is interesting to you and dive in head first. When you know more about history, it is harder to repeat bad history and easier to repeat good history.

My favorite historical books:

Guides and How-to

Or my favorite series, the “For Dummies” books. If there is a “For Dummies” book on a topic, then you are in the right section. I am a serial hobbyist. I pick up a new hobby every other month. (This month my hobby is about writing about all the genres people should read.) But this means I have shelves upon shelves of How To guides. They don’t usually need to be read cover to cover, but will give you a good idea on how to do something. Anything.

My favorite guides and how-to books:



As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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