Books Lists

9 Very Different Books I Read in August 2022

My “To Read” list on Goodreads has almost 700 books on it. These books range from biographies to thrillers to self-published to young adults to self-help. The way I decide what to read is a combination of using a random number generator and what is available on Libby. This process has led me to read very different books in a short period. This is the list of what I read in August 2022 and what I thought of them.

9 Very Different Books I Read in August 2022

A Short History of Nearly Everything

This book starts with the big bang theory and ends with the rise of civilization. Does it include everything? No, that would not be possible, but there is a lot of interesting information. And the pace of this book keeps the facts coming one after another.

Rating: 3/5

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9 Very Different Books I Read in August 2022

The Language of Flowers

This is the story of a foster child who learns to love flowers through a foster mother. As the story continues, we find out why her life has been so tough and how she heals it with flowers. The interesting part of the story is that flowers have meaning. It is not all about roses. Instead, there are other flowers that may be more appropriate in a specific situation. Next time I buy flowers, I will keep this meaning in mind.

Rating: 3/5

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9 Very Different Books I Read in August 2022

Never Let Me Go

This book starts with the loving world at an English boarding school. But as the book continues, you start to understand there is something wrong with this school. It has alternative motives that cause the adults to start questioning their purpose.

Rating: 4/5

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9 Very Different Books I Read in August 2022

Jane Eyre

Although I will read them, I am not the biggest classic book fan, but I did enjoy Jane Eyre. This is one of the big daddys of romance novels. A love that has the world against them.

Rating: 3/5

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9 Very Different Books I Read in August 2022

The One (The Selection Book #3)

I am on the third book in the series, which means, I am a fan. The One focuses on the final four girls in the selection dwindled down to one. Like the previous books, there are secrets that come out and pulls of the heart. There are more books after this one, they are told from a different perspective.

Rating: 3/5

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9 Very Different Books I Read in August 2022

Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal

I know I am about twenty years behind in reading this. But I wish I read this earlier as it has changed my mind about food. I have never been big on fast food, but this book is not just about fast food. It is about how the fast food industry has influenced all the food we eat in America.

Rating: 2/5

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9 Very Different Books I Read in August 2022

The Stand

No one can argue with the brilliance of Stephen King and The Stand is no different. The book is based on a killer flu (sound familiar) but in the 1990s. It kills all but a small portion of the popular who has the same dream that leads them to Boulder Colorado. They also have the same nightmare, an evil to the west of the Rockies. The beginning is character building and traveling to Colorado. The middle is building the Boulder community. And the end is defeating the evil. And just like any other King novel, the craziness does not disappoint.

Rating: 5/5

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9 Very Different Books I Read in August 2022

Before and After: The Incredible Real-Life Stories of Orphans Who Survived the Tennessee Children’s Home Society

This is the book that came after the popular book, Before We Were Yours (affiliate). After Lisa Wingate released this book, people starting telling Wingate that the story was familiar. People started seeing their lives, their parent’s lives, and their grandparents lives in this book. The real orphanage that this book was based on touched so many Americans. Wingate felt responsible for bringing these people together to talk about their experiences and find long lost family members.

Rating: 2.5/5

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As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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