Lists Movies

7 Simple Movies To Watch When Bored

When it is a lazy Saturday, there is nothing to do, and looking for movies to watch when bored, I turn to a tried a true movie. These are movies that do not take much brain power to watch nor make any major emotion erupt out of me. These are my go to movies for a boring day.

Wayne’s World

Wayne's World:  7 Simple Movies To Watch When Bored

What started as a skit on Saturday Night Live, was turned into one of my favorite movies of all time. The lightness of this movie makes it easy to go in and out of, but the hilarity of every scene makes this one of the enjoyable movies to watch when bored.

Watch Wayne’s World


Waiting...:  7 Simple Movies To Watch When Bored

My love of Ryan Reynolds started with Waiting… Not only is he nice to look at, he has a humar and shine about him that makes me feel like we would get along if we met in person. Expand the cast to Anna Faris, Justin Long, and Dane Cook, and I want to hang out with this cast every lazy Saturday.

Watch Waiting…


Superbad:  7 Simple Movies To Watch When Bored

Superbad came out in 2007, when I was in college and high school was pretty fresh in my mind. I thought as I grew up, it would start to seem dumb and no longer relevant, but it seems the opposite has happened. It is now nostalgic of what being young and carefree was like. It is one of the movies to watch when bored because it helps me to time travel back in time.

Watch Superbad

American Pie

American Pie:  7 Simple Movies To Watch When Bored

American Pie on the other hand came out in 1999, right as I was going into high school. If Superbad is my looking back onto high school, American Pie was what I thought it would be like. It was a rude awakening when I did get into high school and it was nothing like this movie. American Pie is the nostalgia of when I thought I knew how one event would be, what I dreamed it would be, and it turned out to be something completely different. Let’s go back to the days where I thought I would meet a cute guy in vocal jazz band.

Watch American Pie

Knocked Up

Knocked Up:  7 Simple Movies To Watch When Bored

Seth Rogen is the last person I would want to look to for a heartwarming tale, but somehow he did it with Knocked Up. It is funny and yet has a great message of growing out of the pot smoking, living with your friends in a frat house, with a horrible idea of making money through a dumb idea and into a responsible adult. The terribly bored me, loves this heartwarming yet hilarious tale.

Watch Knocked Up

The Intern

THE INTERN:  7 Simple Movies To Watch When Bored

A lot of the movies on this list are funny but let’s be real, they are a bit dumb. The Intern takes a slightly more serious approach but is still light enough to be one of the movies to watch when bored. I could argue that it is a romantic comedy, not between lovers, but between coworkers who are unlikely friends, the go getter female CEO and the older Intern looking to keep himself occupied in his later years.

Watch The Intern

Mean Girls

Mean Girls:  7 Simple Movies To Watch When Bored

Mean Girls is the quintessential movie to what when terribly bored. With it’s very quotable lines, a perfect cast, and a storyline that takes you on a ride through teenagedom. It is easy to move in and out of this movie especially when it has been watched ten thousands times before.

Watch Mean Girls

Additional Movies

This is only the beginning of the list I started of movies to watch when bored. Part of not being bored is adding some variety. For a full list of movies, see my list on Letterboxd.


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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