Books Lists

7 Books To Learn About Other Exciting Cultures

I read for a multitude of reasons. One of the main reasons I read books to learn. But I never suspected that I would learn while reading fiction. I have found that one of my favorite ways of learning about other cultures is not just to travel but to read about them.

Breasts And Eggs

Breasts and Eggs - Mieko Kawakami:  7 Books To Learn About Other Exciting Cultures

Breasts and Eggs is about a typical single women in Tokyo, Japan. There is nothing special about her or even unique. The story is about her mission to have her own child. It is set with the background of Tokyo including the everyday life. It gives the reader a good idea of what it is like to live as a typical no frills women in Tokyo. And adds the stigma of having a child out of wedlock in Japan that would be applauded in the United States.

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Read Breasts and Eggs

The Henna Artist

The Henna Artist: 7 Books To Learn About Other Exciting Cultures

Although The Henna Artist is technically historical fiction, it takes place during an important era in India and discusses the difference of the caste system that is still prevalent in Indian culture. There is a lot about the beliefs, rituals, and customs specifically around the art of henna. It gave me a glimpse into Indian culture I had not seen in other books.

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Read The Henna Artist

American Dirt

American Dirt:  7 Books To Learn About Other Exciting Cultures

Living in the country just north of Mexico, the discussion of the cartel and safety comes up with any discussion of visiting the country. But the country for an American is just a tropical paradise that may have some safety issues. This book really hits home that this is not the reality for those who need to escape to save their lives. This is a glimpse into a Mexican reality that I will never have the pain of experiencing.

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Read American Dirt

Fire Keeper’s Daughter

Firekeeper's Daughter: 7 Books To Learn About Other Exciting Cultures

Most of these books to learn about other exciting cultures explore what it is like to live in another country, this book is what it is like to live in my own country, but as a Native American. This book covers many of both the exotic culture these people have and the drug problems that plague this culture. It shows both the nasty and the elegant parts.

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Read Fire Keeper’s Daughter


Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie:  7 Books To Learn About Other Exciting Cultures

Americanah is another book that takes place in my country but covers a culture I could never begin to understand. This is the African people who have moved to America culture. These people are neither African nor American. They are a mix of the two. The book also explores the difference in this culture compared to the Caribbean counter parts, which many confuse for being the same. There are nuances in these cultures that I did not even think to think were completely different.

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Read Americanah

The Island Of Sea Women

The Island of Sea Women: 7 Books To Learn About Other Exciting Cultures

The Island of Sea Women explores a subculture in the Korean culture. It explore the women divers on the island to the south of the mainland of Korea. The book starts when these women had an important job to do to feed the island and ends in a modern day where this job is not nearly as lucrative. The reader learns about how tough of a job these women have and is a great start to read when looking for books to learn about Korea as it gets invaded by many other cultures.

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Read The Island Of Sea Women

My Sister The Serial Killer

My Sister, the Serial Killer: 7 Books To Learn About Other Exciting Cultures

The purpose of My Sister The Serial Killer is not to be one of many books to learn about Nigerian culture. The purpose is not to expose the reader to the culture in Nigeria. But in unraveling the story, the culture of Nigeria could not help to rear its head. The storyline of ethics and loyalty would be a much different story if set in the Bay Area, where I live. Therefore, the culture becomes a huge piece of this book.

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Read My Sister The Serial Killer

Books To Learn About Exciting Cultures

Reading about other cultures is much cheaper than flying to them. Reading about people outside of my own comfort zone is a great way of taking a cheap vacation. And that is why I will continue to pick up books that give me that perspective into other cultures.


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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