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How to Use a 5 Minute Journal To Change Your Life

How to Use a 5 Minute Journal To Change Your Life
Photo Credit: Jess Bailey Designs

Dear Diary…. No, this is not the type of 5 minute journal I am talking about. I am taking about a journal for self improvement whatever your goals are. For me, I am looking to improve productivity and reduce anxiety.

To help with those two goals, I journal everyday for no more than five minutes with prompts that help me track my progress, uncover things that contribute to my goals, and focus on the positivities of life.

What Is My 5 Minute Journal Method?

At the end of my day (or the beginning of the next), I start by copying and pasting my 5 minute journal question prompts to the top of the same Google Doc. I then take a few minutes to answer each one, without trying to think too hard about them. I try to keep the responses short and only elaborate if I feel it is necessary. I’m not concerned with details, grammar, or spelling. What is important is to get my thoughts onto paper.

What Are Sample 5 Minute Journal Prompts And Their Purpose?

Each of my props for a 5 minute journal is intended to help with something different. These are the ones I use (and some I don’t) and what the purpose I use them for:

  • Date: Although not a question, this is how I track where I have been and where I am going.
  • What is my current mood? This question makes me think about how I am feeling at the current moment. Sometime life passes by without understanding if I am happy? Sad? Frustrated? Taking the time to tap into my emotions helped me to realize, I have more good days than bad.
  • What is affecting my mood? This question is intended to understand what affects me. If I am in a bad mood, what types of things cause it. If I am in a good mood, what can I work on to have more of it in my life.
  • What are X great things that happened today? Every day I strive to be better. What small wins did I have. Focusing on three or four wins, makes me realize all that I do throughout the day to make every day count.
  • What could have made today better? Notice that this is not the opposite of the previous question. That is because this question is intended to be a learning opportunity, not a criticism. Perhaps, I was distracted or I spent more time on a low priority project.
  • I am…? Give yourself an affirmation. You are smart. You are beautiful. You are the kind of person who…. The more you believe it the more it is likely to be true.
  • What gave me energy today? Coming from the book, Designing Your Life, this question is intended to help me find my passions. Eventually, this could lead to a project for the future that leads to a career change.
  • How do I feel about my food choices? I have struggled with food and diets my whole life. I am trying to focus on over all health and eating by feeling rather than restriction.
  • Other Thoughts? 99% of the time I leave this question blank but I use it for any ranting I need to do. On days that I use this field, I generally feel better after finishing my journalling for the day.

Getting Started With A 5 Minute Journal

For those who are really struggling with how to approach 5 minute journalling, I recommend buying The Five Minute Journal book. This book already has prompts listed out. Learning about this book through podcasts and books is what prompted me to start this project on my own.

For those who want to create their own prompts and maybe don’t want to spend the $29 for a journal, open up a Google doc or buy a notebook and create a template for your prompts, then start a new entry every day.

Happy Journaling!


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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