
4 Daring Shorts Movies That Will Make You Think

Whenever I am watching a movie and researching an actor I am not familiar with, I will look them up on IMDb. I have noticed that it is not uncommon to see them listed in a number of shorts movies on their IMDb page. In many cases, if the actor has not been in many things, I start to get curious about these movies so I went on a bender to watch as many shorts movies I could possibly find. There are four daring shorts movies that will make you think.


Si: 4 Daring Shorts Movies That Will Make You Think

In high school, everyone wants to fit in. But what if you are an Asian boy surrounded by white people? Even if you grew up in the United States, speak perfect English, and culturally fit in better than a European person, if you look different, it may be more difficult than you think. And that is what Si is all about, an Asian kid who feels as though he belongs, but knows he is different from his baseball playing friends.

Watch Si

Please Hold

Please Hold:  4 Daring Shorts Movies That Will Make You Think

On his way to work, Mateo is arrested by a drone police officer. He doesn’t know what he did or why he is being dragged to jail. In looking for an answer he finds he needs to learn how to navigate a jail system where humans are removed from the process. Everything from his jailing to his court date is all handled by robots. It is a commentary of the dangers of removing all humans from important aspects of current life.

Watch Please Hold

The Dress

The Dress: 4 Daring Shorts Movies That Will Make You Think

Julka is a little person working as a maid in a hotel. Her life is pretty mundane. She works, she drinks, she smokes, and she plays a slot machine. Her life does not extend much beyond that. One day, a man staying at the hotel looks at her in a way she is not use to looking at her. It is as if he is interested in her romantically. This triggers her wondering what it would be like to finally lose her virginity. As she begins a friendship with this man, she thinks it just might happen. She just needs a dress to wear to her date.

Watch The Dress

Muy Gay Too Mexicano

Muy Gay Too Mexicano (Short 2020) - IMDb

This short is about a gay man dealing with his inner dialog of being both gay and Mexican. These two inner dialogs are represented by two men who chat all through his date with a new man. The voices in his head do not stop and are constantly thinking about if he is being too gay or too Mexican while also giving himself permission to be both.

Watch Muy Gay Too Mexicano

Final Thoughts Shorts Movies

Shorts are a great way to watch a multitude of different genres in a short amount of time. Many feature length films are too long anyways. My new movie goal moving forward is to make an effort to watch as many shorts I can get my hands on and hopefully the Netflix, the HBO Maxes, and the Hulus of the world catch on.


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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