As I stepped out of my electric blue Nikes and removed my ankle socks, I felt the grass was cold beneath my feet but it felt good and refreshing like a stick of spearmint gum …

Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
As I stepped out of my electric blue Nikes and removed my ankle socks, I felt the grass was cold beneath my feet but it felt good and refreshing like a stick of spearmint gum …
There were people everywhere on the sidewalks. Everyone seemed the same in that they didn’t belong here. They had phones out and were taking pictures. They wore shorts, backpacks, and t-shirts they bought in the …
“This year will be different,” Jessica said to herself. She sat perched on a stool at the kitchen island, her gaze fixed on the yellow legal pad in front of her. She twirled a lock …
Dear George, I hope this email finds you well. I don’t think we have met but I am your neighbor from the back of your property. I hope you don’t mind but I got your …