Robinhood Snacks Daily podcast use to be my money making podcast but not anymore. My money making podcast is now the TBOY podcast. No, this podcast did not surpass Robinhood Snacks Daily. No, it is …

Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Robinhood Snacks Daily podcast use to be my money making podcast but not anymore. My money making podcast is now the TBOY podcast. No, this podcast did not surpass Robinhood Snacks Daily. No, it is …
Please Like Me show came to me after watching Everything’s Gonna Be Okay. The shows were created by the same people and therefore have the same light and funny feel. Each show is equally entertaining …
Everything’s Gonna Be Okay is the show for families who need to get through tough situations. Although this family has all the money they could possibly want, they still experience a ton of grief and …
The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires starts in the quite town of Mount Pleasant in South Carolina. No one locks their doors. Southern hospitality is a must in any household. The women meet …
Sea Of Tranquility was written by Emily St. John Mandel, who also wrote Station Eleven. Station Eleven was written prior to COVID-19 and yet it is about a killer flu that wipes out a large …
Barry is the hilarious show about an assassin. The two words, hilarious and assassin do not typically go together. But in the case of this show, the unlikely mixture of humor and drama makes for …
The Secret History has the scent of late 1950s or early 1960s literature. It is a bit of an epic story of a young man looking at a tricky situation and the characters who surround …
While working, some background noise and a light storyline can help keep your head down on mundane activities. Some people like listening to music. Some people like listening to podcasts. Me? I like watching a …
Time travel is not a unique topic for fiction, but this fearless love story approaches time travel in a heart wrenching way. There are some messed up and crazy twists and turns this book takes. …