The Pull of the Stars was both way too familiar and in a very different world. On one hand, the story follows a deadly flu similar to the one we are experiencing in 2020. On …

Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
The Pull of the Stars was both way too familiar and in a very different world. On one hand, the story follows a deadly flu similar to the one we are experiencing in 2020. On …
For me, My Dark Vanessa is to teacher student relations as The Hate U Give and Such A Fun Age was to the Black Lives Matter movement. Neither I understood because I was not a …
It is my favorite time of year. No, not Thanksgiving, not Christmas. It’s the Goodreads best books of 2020 awards. My goal this year was to read as much of the books as I possibly …
I tend to gravitate toward books about Asia, specifically China. I also gravitate toward business books. Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built is about both. It was inspirational and it was informative. It gave …
How Much Of These Hills Is Gold starts with the wild west and two young Chinese girls, Lucy and Sam, are found on their own with no parental guidance, and as we find out later, …
It took a few hours of listening to The Glass Hotel before I began to understand how unliniar this book is. It was not until the end that it’s clear how a hotel, a life …
I’ve read two books from Lisa See, both have been written about here, The Island of Sea Women and Snowflower and the Secret Fan. But I had not read her most popular book about beautiful …
Such a Fun Age is a book full of subtle and hidden biases exposed after a slight but traumatic event. The book opens up with an African American babysitter, Emira, taking the toddler she is …
The Social Delima came across my lap after a number of people came to me asking if I had seen it. And they asked if I knew what social media was doing in breaking humanity. …
UnREAL is a show I would not normally be into. But as I drag myself into more and more real reality television shows, I became more curious about the fearless fake reality show. When I …