I remember going to the video rental store (back when that was a thing) as a kid and wanting so bad to rent Cool World, but my parents told me I was too young. Too …

Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
I remember going to the video rental store (back when that was a thing) as a kid and wanting so bad to rent Cool World, but my parents told me I was too young. Too …
As I mentioned in my top entertainment podcast post, Armchair Expert is by far my favorite podcast, and considering I subscribe to over 50, that is saying a lot. I just love Dax Shepard and …
If you read about Portrait of a Lady on Fire or watch the trailer, it screams of a love story between two women and the stigma that comes behind it during this time period. And …
Taking place in the late 1800s, an “oil man”, as he calls himself, or Daniel Plainview, makes a fortune by taking advantage of the less fortunate by purchasing valuable land for a small amount, mining …
Say Nothing is a crazy story from Ireland and how modern Ireland came to be. In the early 70s, Belfast, Northern Ireland became a political war zone making it one of the most dangerous cities …
Your Name. is a classic body switching movie (think Freaky Friday, The Princess Switch or Face Off). But THIS time it is a girl in the countryside of Japan with a boy in Tokyo. It …
I’ve been studying the Chinese language (specifically Mandarin) for over two years now. Part of getting to know any language is also getting to know the culture and the history. What better way to do …
What did I do before I found this show? It was one of those shows I stumbled upon and now not only have I seen every episode of all seven seasons of the original 90 …
What do I remember about this movie when it came out? That I saw it. That is it. Well, given the name, I knew it was about a child prodigy, who is a chess genius, …
Strap yourself in and get ready for a wild ride. In the first half of The Wives, the story appears to be predictable. The first half of the book is setting the scene. In this …