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12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

I have taken the time to appreciate movies of all time throughout this blog, but I have not taken the time to appreciate the art of these movies. In this case these are the most iconic movie posters that have became a symbol of the importance of these movies. These are the posters that hang on walls to represent the love of these films above others. For the full list, check out my LetterBoxd list.

Rebel Without A Cause

Rebel Without a Cause:  12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

The name James Dean is synonymous with “bad boy.” He is a bad boy in East of Eden and he is a bad boy in Rebel Without A Cause. And on the movie poster for Rebel Without A Cause James Dean exudes this bad boy image he is. His facial expression says “I don’t give a shit” and his red jacket says “I wear what I want.” James Dean is the bad boy I love in this movie poster.

Watch Rebel Without A Cause

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Rocky Horror Picture Show :  12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

Although Tim Curry steals The Rocky Horror Picture Show, the lips are the icon of the show. They are sexual and attention getting. This was the second movie poster for the movie and state “A Different Set of Jaws” a play on Steven Spielberg‘s movie Jaws that had also been recently released.

Watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show


Scarface:  12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

“Say hello to my little friend” is the iconic line from Scarface, and the black and white silhouette of Al Pacino with specific features detailed is the iconic movie poster for this movie. The poster design is so simple and yet, it says so much about this film. There is some mystery and darkness of this character. The movie poster hints to the character, but to know him is to see the movie.

Watch Scarface


Grease:  12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

The love story of Danny and Sandy in this movie made girls (and probably some boys) all over swoon. He is the James Dean bad boy and she is the good girl. In the end, Sandy gives in and becomes the bad girl she has been fighting against. The picture on the movie poster is the symbol of this star crossed love.

Watch Grease

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial: 12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

“E.T. phone home” was said a lot on my grade school playground and the spoofs of the movie poster of E.T. was shown everywhere. The silhouette of a boy on a bike with an alien in the basket is easily distinguishable. Add a spin off of Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam from the Sistine Chapel, with the touch of boy and alien and you have an iconic movie poster.

Watch E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Pretty Women

Pretty Woman: 12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

Have you ever felt like Pretty Women? Walk in to a store you are planning to buy something and get treated horribly. I know I have. Yes, and there is the whole hooker with heart part as well. That I cannot relate so much too. But being elevated in the world, whatever that might mean to you, is what this movie is about. One world transitioning into another, and that is what this movie poster is all about. The hooker with heart of gold has the hold of the heart of a man with money

Watch Pretty Women

Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands Movie:  12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

Edward Scissorhands is a movie about a young man with scissors for hands so why would the movie poster not have the man and his hands on the cover. The poster of a profile of his face and a few of his fingers is really all that is needed. To show his artwork of plant sculptures is a way to soften the image along with the dark image of his mansion on the hill.

Watch Edward Sissorhands


Titanic:  12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

Similar to Grease, this is the story of two star crossed lovers, Rose and Jack, who fall in love. This was the love story that ends in tragedy and it was a tragedy that was seen in theaters for a few years, while it continued to make money. And when a movie was in theaters during the 1990’s of course there were movie posters we all saw regularly and that is why the Titanic belongs in the list of the most iconic movie posters.

Watch Titanic

Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park:  12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

The movie poster for Jurassic Park did not start with the movie. This was the cover of the book. This transference from book to movie really worked in the movie’s favor. It has become a very iconic image where, if seen, people from all over knows what it signifies.

Watch Jurassic Park

Fight Club

Fight Club:  12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

The first rule about the movie poster of fight club: don’t talk about the movie poster of fight club. The second rule of the movie poster of fight club: don’t talk about the movie poster of fight club. Throw the soap of selling women’s fat asses back to them and the picture of Tyler Derden in the poster and you have got a winner. I can say no more.

Watch Fight Club

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump:  12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

It is not a coincidence that there is a chain of Bubba Gump restaurants. And these restaurants usually have a statue with scenes of Forrest Gump sitting on a bench with his suitcase. And that is exactly what this movie poster is. Of course it is iconic!

Watch Forrest Gump

Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Kill Bill: Vol. 1:  12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

Yellow on yellow. Uma Thurman looking badass with a sword. Kill Bill was the movie to watch when it came out and if you saw this movie poster, you did not even need to know what it was about to want to watch it. There is no surprise it became such an iconic film with such an iconic movie poster.

Watch Kill Bill: Vol. 1


Superbad:  12 Of The Most Iconic Movie Posters That I Love

When Superbad came out, it was a different kind of movie. Up until this point, high school movies were Sixteen Candles, 10 Things I Hate About You, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and other movies about the cool vs. uncool. In superbad, it was now about the normal people. There was no cool. No uncool. Just people. And that is why this movie poster is so iconic.

Watch Superbad


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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